Inside take on a Folger, Bodleian, and Ransom Center exhibition on the creation and afterlife of the King James Bible on the 400th anniversary of its publication.

Sponsors & Credits

Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Because democracy demands wisdom.

Stephen Enniss, Eric Weinmann librarian at the Folger Shakespeare Library, project manager
Steven Galbraith, Andrew W. Mellon curator of books at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Manifold Greatness exhibition co-curator
Hannibal Hamlin, associate professor of English at The Ohio State University, Manifold Greatness exhibition co-curator

Website and social media development:

Garland Scott, Folger head of external relations, project leader
Esther Ferington, independent writer, editor, and consultant, principal content developer
Amy Arden, Folger communications associate, children’s content, family guide, and social media
Julie Ainsworth, Folger head of photography and digital imaging, photography of Folger collection
Jane Martin of The Photo Editor, outside photographs
Swim Design Consultants of Kensington, Maryland, website designer and developer

Blog consultants and contributors (so far!):

Carol Allen, library director, Harford Community College, Bel Air, Maryland
Amy Arden, Folger communications associate
Iris Barnes, coordinator, Hays-Heighe House, Harford Community College, Bel Air, Maryland
Sue Birney, adult special services librarian, Winfield Public Library, Winfield, Kansas
Susan Brandehoff, director of program development and partnerships at the American Library Association (ALA) public programs office
Stan Campbell, Director of Library Services, Centre College, Danville, Kentucky
Department of Museums, Archives, and Rare Books, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia
Jennifer Dominiak, program officer at the American Library Association (ALA) public programs office
Robert Eisenstein, co-artistic director of the Folger Consort
Esther Ferington, independent writer, editor, and consultant
Paul V.M. Flesher, PhD, director of religious studies program at the University of Wyoming
Steven Galbraith, Andrew W. Mellon curator of books at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Folger Manifold Greatness exhibition co-curator
Susan Gangl, librarian at the Wilson Library, University of Minnesota
Susana Goldman, reference librarian, Tuscaloosa Public Library, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Amber Guy, public relations officer, Mobile Public Library, Mobile, Alabama
Hannibal Hamlin, associate professor of English at The Ohio State University, Folger Manifold Greatness exhibition co-curator
Judy Havemann, communications director, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Jamie Hazlitt, outreach librarian, William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University
Millie Hernandez, special events coordinator for the academic libraries at the University of Texas at Brownsville
Victoria Horst, manager, Tifton-Tift County Public Library, Tifton, Georgia
Louise M. Hyder-Darlington, MSLS, access services librarian, High Library, Elizabethtown College
Kelly Jacobsma, director of libraries, Hope College
Lee Jefferson, assistant professor of religion, Centre College
Brendan Kane, associate professor of history at the University of Connecticut, associate director of the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute, Folger Nobility and Newcomers in Renaissance Ireland exhibition co-curator
Carol Kelly, Folger Education, festivals project coordinator
Katy Kelly, communications and outreach librarian, University of Dayton Libraries
Sherry Laughlin, director of libraries at William Carey University
Caryn Lazzuri, Folger exhibition manager
Kelsey McKinney, undergraduate intern, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin
Helen Moore, fellow and tutor in English at Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, chair of Bodleian Manifold Greatness exhibition
Stan Nelson, punchcutter, mould maker, typefounder, printer, and historian
Scott Newstok, associate professor of English at Rhodes College
Gail Kern Paster, director emerita of the Folger Shakespeare Library
Robert Pinsky, poet and author, professor of creative writing at Boston University, poetry editor of Slate
Amy C. Rice, instructor/coordinator of technical services & systems at Harriet Cheney Cowles Memorial Library, Whitworth University
Nina Schneider, head cataloger and interim head librarian of the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California/Los Angeles
Elizabeth R. Scott, archivist at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont
Garland Scott, Folger head of external relations
Sue Scott, arts and literature librarian at Cameron Village Regional Library, Raleigh, North Carolina
Adrienne Shevchuk, program assistant, Folger Institute
Ford Simmons, reference and information services coordinator/webmaster at Sumter County Library, Sumter, South Carolina
Misty D. Smith, assistant professor and catalog librarian at Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University
Rachel Stovall, community relations specialist, Pike Peak Library District, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Christina Tolbert, head of serials and bibliographer for philosophy and religion at the J.D. Williams Library, University of Mississippi
Whitney Anne Trettien, PhD candidate in English, Duke University
Jennifer Ulrich, technical service librarian, Eastern Mennonite University
Sarah Werner, undergraduate program director, Folger Shakespeare Library
Georgianna Ziegler, Louis B. Thalheimer head of reference, Folger Shakespeare Library

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website and other Manifold Greatness materials do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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